Viktor Orbán


EP elections

EP elections

Julia Lakatos spoke about the causes of the high voter turnout at the EP and municipal elections in Telex‘s live election coverage.

Between two worlds

Between two worlds

Talking to Al Jazeera, Gergely Rajnai described the foreign policy of Viktor Orbán as attempting to bridge the gap between East and West, but noted that the war in Ukraine makes this approach less and less tenable.

Opposition primaries

Opposition primaries

Financial Times quoted Zoltán Novák concerning the chances for the opposition during the upcoming campaign. While everything suggests a Fidesz advantage, the challenge has never been greater, he said.

Orbán, the West, and Perspectives for Atlanticism

Orbán, the West, and Perspectives for Atlanticism

The rhetoric of the Orbán-government has led to several high profile critiques lately. These may be exaggerated, nevertheless they mirror a widespread international sentiment according to which Hungary is no longer a democracy. Ervin Csizmadia looks at the causes of this narrative.

After EU summit

After EU summit

The Hungarian PM Viktor Orban understood that he could not fundamentally oppose German aspirations and interests, which were for there to be an agreement by all means, Attila Tibor Nagy said to the AP American news agency,
Soros as Influencer?

Soros as Influencer?

“For Orbán, but more importantly, for a lot of Hungarian voters, Soros represents external influence on domestic issues.” Gergely Rajnai explained the current campaign in Hungary for Vice News.
